Leg Ulcers Specialist
Laser & Varicose Vein Treatment Center
Vein Surgeons & Vascular Surgeons located in Midland Beach, Staten Island, NY & Borough Park, Brooklyn, NY
Leg ulcers are a common side effect of vein problems and can lead to serious complications, like infections and gangrene, if left untreated. If you suffer from leg ulcers, see the vascular surgeons at the Laser & Varicose Vein Treatment Center in Midland Beach of Staten Island and Borough Park of Brooklyn, New York. Experienced and compassionate, Inam Haq, MD, FACS, and Sushil Samant, MD, FACS, FICS, deliver effective results to treat and prevent leg ulcers from returning. Schedule a visit today by calling or booking an appointment online.
Leg Ulcers Q & A
What are leg ulcers?
Leg ulcers are open wounds or sores in the skin that tend to heal very slowly or keep returning, despite proper wound care. In most cases, leg ulcers are the result of some type of circulation issue that affects blood flow in your legs.
Leg ulcers can also cause pain, odor, pus formation, tenderness, and redness at the site of the ulcer.
What causes leg ulcers?
Leg ulcers can come from a variety of conditions, such as:
- Circulation problems
- Chronic venous insufficiency
- Diabetes
- Renal (kidney) failure
- Hypertension
- High cholesterol
- High blood pressure
- History of smoking
- Infections
- Certain medications
Often these conditions can cause the veins under the surface of your skin to push through the skin — as is the case with varicose veins — then break open, leading to the formation of an open wound.
Since veins carry deoxygenated blood, these wounds do not heal because they’re not receiving the oxygen and blood clotting factors found in oxygenated blood in your arteries. This is why leg ulcers tend to be a common problem and require medical attention.
How are leg ulcers diagnosed?
The doctors at Laser & Varicose Vein Treatment Center have advanced training in the diagnosis and treatment of venous disorders that contribute to leg ulcers. In order to diagnose the type of leg ulcer you have and what’s causing it, they complete a thorough medical history and exam to understand any medical conditions you may have that are contributing to the formation of your leg ulcer.
Diagnostic tests — such as blood tests or a duplex ultrasound — may be used to identify abnormal blood sugar levels related to diabetes or check for chronic venous insufficiency that may be contributing to your varicose veins. Based on your consultation, the team diagnoses the cause of your leg ulcers and recommends an appropriate treatment plan.
How are leg ulcers treated?
First and foremost, the doctors begin by cleaning your leg ulcer to reduce the risk of infection. Next, they may offer conservative suggestions to improve circulation in your legs, such as elevating your legs when sitting or lying down or wearing compression stockings.
If your leg ulcers are persistent or don’t heal within six months, the team may recommend skin grafting or vein surgery to help the wound heal and prevent it from returning.
To find out which treatment option is best for your leg ulcer, call or schedule a visit online at Laser & Varicose Vein Treatment Center now.
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