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Laser Treatment Isn't Your Only Choice


    Varicose Veins and Spider Veins not only affect your health but they can have a serious impact on your self-esteem. With the warmer weather here, now is the time to explore your options and regain your confidence to show those legs off!

    Endovenous Laser Ablation continues to be one of the leading options in the country, but here at The Laser and Varicose Vein Treatment Center we offer a wide variety of procedures personalized to each patient. Let's explore what procedure would be best suited for you.

    One of the most successful and non-invasive treatment we offer is Varithena. Varithena is a polidocanol injectable foam that is used to treat Varicose and Spider Veins. This procedure requires no incisions, no anesthesia and no down time. The doctor adminsters a small amount of Varithena directly into the malfunctioning vein and the foam fills and treats the desired section of the vein. Treatment is less than 30 minutes and is covered by most insurance companies. 

   Not only will you see an improvement with the appearance of your legs, but you will also feel the difference. This procedure will eliminate heaviness, swelling, throbbing and achiness in your legs as well. Now is the time to get rid of those veins and be ready for fun in the sun!

Dr. Inam Ul Haq

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